Coronavirus: Covid-19


Sun Tzu, Chinese philosopher cum war strategist, had written a book titled “The Art of War”. Published in 1910 and translated into English by Lionel Giles, the book admonishes the sovereign and the generals how to conduct warfare. His foremost teaching was to win a war without fighting. He said:[Read More…]


Though the Chinese are normally only inspired by Confucian thoughts and the teachings of Sun Tzu, for once they seem to have adopted an American idea of converting crisis into an opportunity, propagated by the likes of Rahm Emanuel who has famously commented; “you never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” The current Coronavirus pandemic is too precious a crisis to be wasted by the Chinese. As US, Europe and Russia battle the virus; the Chinese are busy asserting themselves and expanding their global footprint. They have increased the funding to WHO by USD 30 million, donated medical supplies (albeit dubious) to Africa and Europe, violated the territorial sovereignty of Vietnam by naming 80 islands and other geographical features in the South China Sea, while Chinese state media and diplomats sing an aggressive and jingoistic tone.

Will India be Able to Replace China as a Manufacturing Hub?

I had an opportunity to visit and interact with various people in China in many cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Shenzhen, and Macau & Hong Kong. I also dealt with various large size heavy CNC machinery manufacturers from China as well as Taiwan. I feel I have a fair idea of their systems, working methodology and various expertise, shortcomings, capacity, dedication, discipline etc. These aspects are necessary to know before expressing any opinion.

New Emerging Areas of Conflict!

Today, while the whole world is painfully suffering the massive onslaught of the mounting Corona pandemic, China is, instead engaged in consolidating its illegally captured areas in South China Sea and the so-established sphere- of-influence in Indian Ocean and may be elsewhere too, despite facing the reverse Corona attack. As[Read More…]

Biological Warfare: Covert and Challenging

While some Muslims are outraged for being the targets of disdain for the spread of the coronavirus in India, evidence around the world may justify a reasonable cause for a heightened sense alarm. The Saudi website,, has reported that Iranian militias infected with COVID-19 have been sent to the front lines of Syria to wage biological warfare against Syrian rebels and the international anti-ISIS coalition.


The increase of COVID 19 cases and deaths are indicative of exponential rise of COVID 19 in India. But is it a situation to become pessimistic? I am afraid not. There are dangers, but if tackled properly we can ride the dragon and get the Indian elephant to outclass it. For this we must seize the opportunity that the world is presenting before others grab it. Amongst all the nations in the world that are affected, if we look at the total cases and deaths per million people, India with figures of 51 cases per million (10 lakhs) and 3 deaths per million fares way down. The detractors quote low testing for these figures but for their information even in other countries testing is done of cases that report to hospital or are suspected of being infected with corona. In fact even the routine deaths in India have come down. So technically if India was badly infected we should have seen rise in number of deaths, which has not happened.

Biological Warfare and Bioterrorism

The world is facing one of the biggest humanitarian crises, and the Coronavirus outbreak has literally brought the earth to a halt. As this Covid-19 pandemic continues its destructive course, various theories of its origin are doing the rounds. Could the pandemic have been the result of an accident at a bio-safety level 4 laboratory in China’s Wuhan city, and could the virus be a bio-weapon.

The Post Pandemic World Order: Upswing Of The Decisive Frontrunner Of The Us-China Trade War

COVID- 19 flattered the persistence of social systems by questioning the concealed realities of the socio-economic and political culture, yet the global powers botched to response for these major questions including one protracted fragile question: who will be the decisive frontrunner of the US-China trade war. The post-Soviet international system survived from several financial knockouts including the traumatized financial crisis in 2008, and it has intensified the clash of titans: the US-China. Conversely, the modest riposte for the rudimentary question put forward by the paper lies in 2008 crisis; since many regional hegemons including Brazil, India, South Africa, Germany and Russia demonstrations the potentials of being the winner of the US-China trade war. However, out of all these potential players India hoisted as the long time frontrunner of global trade war despite being the late contestant of the race, thanks to the strategic routine of second layer trade opportunities.

Social Media & Public Diplomacy

National security complexities encompass key areas of government’s ongoing public diplomacy initiatives where multiple social media channels are leveraged both as listening tools and also to disseminate targeted information. Informed public diplomacy aimed at building secure nation is aimed at both domestic and foreign publics, and strategies for dealing with such publics are easily distinguished from the domestic socialization of diplomacy. Nevertheless, separating public affairs (aimed at domestic audiences) from public diplomacy (dealing with overseas target groups) is increasingly at odds with the ‘interconnected’ realities of global relationships. It is commonly known that information directed at a domestic audience often reaches foreign publics, or the other way round, but the relationship between public affairs and public diplomacy has become more intricate than that.

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