November 2020

Vocal For Local

Vocal For (Quality) Local

A sustained commitment for building an ecosystem that fosters innovation and flexibility in the entire loop of planning of acquisitions, R&D, production, quality assurance, life-cycle feedback and rectification to develop quality products is essential to achieve the objective of self-reliant India.

Where Is The Money!

This analysis underscores the primary challenge posed by the recent policy initiatives. Disjointed and unsynchronised initiatives taken, in fits and starts, struggle to deliver the intended outcomes. This primary challenge is exacerbated by the enduring procedural incongruities and some inexplicable policy changes made in DAP-2020, which is bubbling with many[Read More…]

Indigenisation Is The Way

The aerospace industry is a high technology and high-risk industry, whichtranslates into high costs. We need to concentrate on high-end technologies,which can further uplift peripheral technologies. The Indian aerospace anddefence industry requires rapid development of domain knowledge, which can come through active industry-government-academia partnership with leading technology institutes across the[Read More…]

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