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“GEOPOLITICS REDEFINED Puntured Truths & Glamourised Lies” Book Launch By General V. K. Singh, Honorable Minister of State for Road Transport & Highways and Civil Aviation, Government of India

ABOUT THE BOOK Geopolitics Redefined-Punctured Truths and Glamourized Lies-the title says all is about breaking many myths and untruthful truths. Thus, it exposes the myths, lies, and sugar-coated imperative truths that are in a real sense the biggest lies. “Geopolitics Redefined-Punctured Truths and Glamourized Lies Picks up hitherto untouched aspects[Read More…]

DRDO & AeSI organise 14th Aero India International Seminar on ‘Aerospace and Defence Technologies-Way Forward’ in Bengaluru

As a prelude to the Aero India 2023, the biennial Aero India International Seminar organised by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in association with the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) was inaugurated in Bengaluru on February 12, 2023. Dr VK Saraswat, Member – NITI Aayog, was the Chief Guest[Read More…]

Indigenous Defence Technologies

In the wars of 1962, 1965 and even 1971, most of the technologies used by the Indian Armed Forces were not indigenous. Our troops were in the transformation stage and thus, they were dependent almost totally on foreign technologies and this was a lesson for us. In 1958, the government[Read More…]

Indian Army: 1962-2020 Years Of Preparation

Indians who were born after 1962 have been listening to personal anecdotes of the Chinese invasion in that year from their parents and grandparents. This was the first conventional war fought by the Indian Army—the Pakistani invasion of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 is best described as a tribalised irregular[Read More…]


Over the ages there have been wars and there have been negotiated settlements that have created a modicum of peace and stability. Almost from the first day of its existence as an independent nation freed from the yoke of British colonialism in 1947, when the world was still recovering from[Read More…]

Celebration Is Tough Under Pandemic

It was a sombre moment immediately after the Mumbai blasts in November 2008 when the idea of creating the Defence and Security Alert (DSA) magazine occurred. And it took almost a year to shape your most accepted magazine, DSA and the first edition was released in October 2009. It was[Read More…]


What an experience we have all had in the past four months! It has shaken everything from bottom to top and in all directions. No movement at all in such a shocking and scary way which no one had ever expected or even visualised. The Covid-19 Pandemic has toppled everything[Read More…]

Frustrated China!

The recent killings of Indian soldiers by the People’s Liberation Army of China exhibits China’s frustration and nothing else. China very well knows that a conventional war with India could be very hard hitting for it. And thus, the Chinese army has been provoking the Indian army at the Ladakh borders for the past few days that resulted into what appears to be an act of physical violence in which 20 Indian Army personnel were martyred though only after giving an equal blow.

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