Publisher & CEO Blog

COVID-19 and the New World Order in Making?

The outbreak of the pandemic-COVID-19 has given an opportunity for many to predict the advent of a new world/global order. The people expressing their views come from all the ends of political and intellectual spectrums. As a result, a wide spectrum of opinion is reflected in the global media, especially its version.


There is a neck and neck contest between two connected but disparate debates that link China and Covid-19. The first one, with China in the red corner and almost the whole of the rest of the world in the blue one, concerns the origin of the Coronavirus. China is using all its autocratic might and harsh domination of its domestic social media on the one hand, and all its diplomatic and not so diplomatic machinations on the other, to convince its own populace and the global community that the Wuhan P-4 laboratory was not where the virus originated. The second debate focuses on whether, once the Covid-19 crisis phase is over, China will come out stronger than before it all started, or will it take a beating geopolitically. With China an established inimical neighbor and an unambiguous economic rival, India stalks this poser with self-centered interest.

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