India-China Conflict, Publisher & CEO Blog

China’s Gross misunderstanding about India!

If we recollect the historical events with China in the past six decades, we are all well-versed with the shared history between the two nations. But the new factor now is that China this time misunderstood India and it has underestimated India’s strength as compared to what we were in 1962. Our, the then PM was very generous to gift a big piece of Indian land to China after the 1962 war and never made any move to take it and that land is still in the clutches of China.

Our current leadership is also very generous that our Prime Minister welcomed the Chinese President whole heartedly to improve the relationships with China so as to also balance the geopolitics in the entire South-East Asia. We opened our doors for more and more investments in India by the Chinese companies in various fields be it was infrastructure, electronics or telecommunications. But it was so unfortunate that China misunderstood and under estimated India this time.

China ruined the Indian cottage industries by exporting almost everything for the Indian homes and generated huge foreign exchange from us and invested in many Indian companies as per our FDI policies which also hit the small business enterprises in a big way. On one side China has been very self-oriented for its business interest and on the other side it has been openly a supporter of Pakistan and never objected on the proxy war by Pakistan on India. Even on the Pulwama attack, China never objected Pakistan’s actions and the Air Strike by Indian Airforce  on the terrorist establishments at Balakot was never appreciated. Instead China has been time and again opposing declaration of Hafeez Sayeed as a Global Terrorist that has again and again proved the malafied intentions of China.

China misunderstood India’s current power and thought that India is already struggling with the Coronavirus and is battling to control the situation. The entire government machinery is involved in combating the Covid19, and the economic condition of India is also not that good hence, it’s the right time to encroach the Indian land in the Leh Laddakh region. Another reason for this encroachment was that China knew, that for the past few years our defence forces are more alert in Arunachal Pradesh after the Doklam incident and maximum force has been deployed in Arunachal only. This was another wrong assessment by China.

China misunderstood and under estimated the Indian leadership as well as the Indian forces considering the above reasons and never expected such hard steps by India on the borders. That’s the reason that at one side it was holding talks between the Senior officials of both the Armies and agreed to return back to their land and leave the encroached Indian land. But actually the PLA did not return to their land and thus on the night of 16th June there was assault on the Indian army patrolling team and our 20 army personnel sacrificed their lives for their Motherland.

The Chinese leadership and their team thought and expected that India will never hit back to their action on the LAC which actually proved them wrong this time and the five decade old history could not be repeated. The current leadership has given a strong message to China immediately that this act of China will not be accepted in any manner and India is now going to take very hard steps to counter Chinese on the following four fronts:

1.    Defence
2.    Economically
3.    Strategically
4.    Diplomatically

A number of key steps taken by the Indian Government immediately to counter China from all sides:

✓ The Indian Army has been given Emergency powers in taking further actions
✓ The Airforce has been cleared to use SU-30 and Bramhos missile system.
✓ The Navy has been given a an order to take positions in the strait of Malacca and other regions in the Indio-pacific.
✓ The regions of Leh, Ladakh, the state of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh have been put on high alert.
✓ Tanks, artilleries, Warships and others have been mobilised to LAC.

The PM has called for an all Political party meeting on 19th June to discuss about the situation.

Indian government has already started working on this in a very planned way. All the three defence forces have been kept on the highest alert for any war requirements with China. Ministry of Finance has already chalked out a plan to review all the Chinese investments in the Indian companies and infrastructure projects will be reviewed which has been awarded any work and likely to be scratched off. Indian government has already conveyed to the China government that till the PLA vacates the Indian land no talks at any level will be conducted in the near future. Indian foreign minister has also conveyed the same strongly to its Chinese counterpart. Most of the countries on the globe has taken this as a serious issue for the Peace in the entire South-East Asia and have already conveyed to China to avoid any further complications. So that will also play a favourable role in the support of India’s core objections. And as a big achievement India has been selected as the non-permanent member of  the UNSC for the 8th time that will support India’s objections to China on the global platform.

I am very sure that China will now understand the complexed situation and will come forward itself at the earliest resolve this issue and will immediately reduce the deployment of its army on the LAC.

Jai Hind!

Author: Pawan Agrawal
Publisher & CEO
Defence & Security Alert

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