Coronavirus: Covid-19

Coronavirus: A New Biological Weapon of Terrorism

Despite all statements to the contrary, the Corona virus has already emerged as a new biological weapon of terror which has led even the most powerful country America to crumble down in utter helplessness with increasing deaths of corona infected patients every day that largely prevails in most of the western countries viz Italy, England, France, Germany etc..

Fortunately, the overall situation in India is far better as compared to most of the other rich powers including the US, because the otherwise worsening pandemic due to Covid-19 has been well-controlled under the visionary leadership of PM Narendra Modi, by immediately imposing three week’s lock down and that has reduced the likely swollen figure of eight lakhs plus Corona virus patients to approximately twenty three thousand, as of today.

Obviously the world is today in the midst of a new biological terror-weapon in the form of the Corona virus like earlier anthrax or earlier poisonous gases used during World Wars. But this time, the likely threat is much serious as many terrorists and Islamic militants may use it, particularly against India, the US and most of the prosperous western countries in the global north to cause an unimaginable catastrophe. Added to the woes will be massive economic slump and probable social and political unrest not only in India but in all over the world.

Notwithstanding all these concerns, the Covid-19 will inevitably lead to new doors of social, economic, strategic and defence co-operations and also scientific and technical research between and among nations to overcome the post-Corona national and global scenario.

Against this backdrop, Asia is increasingly assuming significance as regards India’s magnanimity prevailing over China’s notoriety to cause lasting impact over the emerging global scenes, which while recognizing Bharat’s contribution towards common welfare and service towards humanity on the one hand, may prompt the western powers to isolate and corner China to undergo severe economic sanctions, on the other.

The so-tormented western powers may withdraw their huge investments in China, as Japan has already declared the same, and may frame tough policies leading to crashing of its economy, besides breaking diplomatic relations and also initiating coercive steps against it. Indeed, the individual loss to the US is much greater than that of any of the western powers and much more than that of the earlier Axis power’s attack on Pearl Harbour during the second-World War, which America will find hard to forget. As against this, India’s largesse and preventive measures against this global menace are being praised by the global community, including the United Nations, and that will obviously give it a new global identity.

Thus this virus, as Corona-bomb, has already wrecked-havoc upon innocent humanity in all over the world by killing more than lacs so-infected patients so far. While the humanity will definitely overcome this menace soon, it will indeed cause deep scars upon the global human conscience, for long. But it will be won as nothing is beyond human endeavour

Author: Prof. Sudhanshu Tripathi
The writer is Professor, Political Science in UPRTOU Allahabad. His book NAM and INDIA was published in 2010/ 2012 and a co-authored text-book Rajnitik Awadharnayein, in 2001.

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