Coronavirus: Covid-19


Mystery of root cause of COVID-19 still exists and there are different versions about the origin. However, the top most priority for any nation is to halt the spread of this highly congestive virus spread through connect as well as vicinity which is already known and experienced by several people. This virus has taken maximum lives all over world and total figure is increasing with geometric proportion day by day.

Many countries as well as several scientists are working on war footing to find the vaccine f0r the same but same does not appear to be in site at present so the best way to avoid spread of the virus is lock down of cities and distancing of people, the solution adopted by several countries.

This is perhaps the first time when several countries have locked down many cities except emergency services and essential supplies. Flights, cruise, trains, buses, hotels, clubs, pubs, bars, schools, colleges, offices are totally closed during lock down and curfew is slapped on these cities. Till we get the right vaccine and the root cause of this virus, there is no other alternative other than lock down and distancing people ensuring people to use masks and sanitizer.

There are also interesting facts to be noted about the virus. Though it is originated from Wuhan in China and affected places in USA which are around 12000 km away, European countries which are around 8000 km but there is not a single case in places like Beijing, Shanghai which are around 1200 and 850 km approx. There are hardly any stresses of this virus in neighboring countries like Russia and North Korea but widely spread in South Korea. There are now no further rise of cases in China and today USA tops all the countries in no of cases infected. In light of these facts other version of root cause of this virus is under investigation.

If the origin of virus is natural transmission from animal to human through meat, then same will have to be banned with immediate effect. However if there is any other cause which is not natural but with any intention, then very heavy compensation will be claimed against such act against loss of so many human lives as well as global economic loss. Today’s human lives and economic loss is several times more than war on terrorism. This is a time to fight unitedly to stop spread which is need of hour and all people must support these efforts though there are some cases, where people are still not taking lock down seriously which could be out of carelessness or intentional to defame respective government efforts then such cases need to be handled ruthlessly with severe punishment in the global interest.

A very hot summer is starting from this month in many countries and its effect is to be seen whether virus sustains such high temperature.With great hope and God’s blessings we should be able to overcome this virus.

Following are the details of total and country wise (major countries including India) are included with figures as well as graphic as on 04/04/2020. The data is taken from and gives clear spread of infection far off but keeping Chinese nearby cities without any case.

Author: Mukund Puranik
The writer is B.E. (Mechanical),M.Tech. (Machine Tools) and Chartered Engineer with an experience of 35+ years in the field of Machinery Industries. The major areas of his specialisation are Valuation (P&M) and Consultancy. Currently, he is a Proprietor of Universal Engineering Consultants

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