Coronavirus: Covid-19

Covid-19: Social-Economic-Political Impacts in Country and Beyond!

While the global pandemic due to Corona virus has vigorously shaken the entire world, most of the prominent global and major powers like the US, Russia, England, France, Italy, Spain etc. are today passing through perhaps the worst phase with consistently rising numbers of Covid-19 infected patients and resultant deaths every-day. That may lead to realignment of global powers including regional powers and smaller states so as to forge new arrangements/alliances as a conducive international order. This may go along economic and politico-hegemonic lines, wherein liberal-capitalist forces may unite under global leadership of the US with China getting cornered due to being possible Corona virus maker, and Russia making frantic efforts to regain its lost glory as a distinct global counter-pole.

Although prevailing hierarchical-international order may remain unchanged due to America still occupying the unquestioned hyper-power status due to its insurmountable global military power, yet China’s consistent ascendance in the international economic field may lead to possible decline of the US’ influence in global affairs. That may attract several major regional powers to rush for capturing the seat of   unique global predominance and may possibly witness a major clash of interests among the so-aspiring powers for global hegemony. This may result into a new or third-World War, involving nuclear weapons resulting into nuclear holocaust, engendering perishing of millions of millions of innocent human population and precious properties.

As against this, with Chinese influence gradually receding in global affairs due to mounting US led-western powers’ pressure to isolate its economy facing severe economic sanctions and even limited military counter-offensives particularly for liberating the South China Sea from Chinese presence ensuring uninterrupted passage through maritime channels, the emerging scenario may become difficult for both China and Pakistan – in not getting the much needed economic and military support from global financial institutions like World Bank and soft-lone agency IMF and major arms traders like America, France etc. respectively – to confront India’s rising clout in the world. Fortunately, New Delhi may now become a new destination for many west European countries which are now going to wind up their massive investments in China including many prominent financial magnets like Japan, France, Germany, Britain and also the US.

Notwithstanding all these concerns, the Covid-19 will inevitably lead to new doors of social-cultural, economic, strategic and defense co-operations and also scientific and technical research between and among countries to overcome the post-Corona national and global scenarios. It has already engendered significant changes in the common styles of exchanging courtesy where shaking of hands and other prevalent modes in different nations are increasingly being replaced by India’s welcome gesture with folded hands. Followed by mandatory social distancing and declining social gatherings, the consequent scenario due to Covid-19 may witness considerably reduced social-interactions and community- celebrations of mass-festivals and marriages etc., for a long time to come. Thus a radical change in human and social behaviours may alter ensuing cultural patterns in the post-Corona world to underscore that nothing is beyond human endeavour.

Author: Prof. Sudhanshu Tripathi
The writer is Professor, Political Science in UPRTOU Allahabad. His book NAM and INDIA was published in 2010/ 2012 and a co-authored text-book Rajnitik Awadharnayein, in 2001.

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