Coronavirus: Covid-19


The Game changer – year 2020…..

By far the most ruthless, scary and deadly!

Perhaps a pattern scripted by God Almighty,

Every 100 years pandemics have threatened humanity!

Known as one of the deadliest pandemics in human history,

Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920,

Spanish flu swept across the globe creating a lot of misery,

And infected about a third of the world’s population, giving way to despondency!

Nobody knew how did it originate and from where it came,

Whom to blame and whom to frame,

It became known around the world as the Spanish flu,

As Spain was hard hit and it tremendously grew!

Most of us did not know what happened then,

And it was time for it to strike again!

Supposedly the most wonderful time of the year,

December is always remembered for the festive atmosphere!

However December 2019 will likely go down in history,

And will be remembered for the Coronavirus outbreak originated from the Wuhan laboratory!

Declaring it as an Public Health Emergency of International Concern in January 2020 and thereafter recognising it as a Pandemic in March 2020,

WHO named Coronavirus as COVID – 19!

Highly contagious spreading by touching contaminated surfaces and between people through close contact,

Transmitted through the droplets of the infected person, the virus enters your respiratory tract!

Several theories are floating about the origin of the Corona virus,

China is tight lipped and as always mysterious!

Made in China does not last too long,

But this time they have proved us wrong!

This is a disease that knows no boundaries and does not care how rich, powerful or famous you are,

It can touch anyone and is unprejudiced and unbiased by far!

Spreading all around the globe ever since its origination and growing stronger by the day,

Human life has gone out of kilter and is in complete disarray!

Europe had become the epicentre of the Covid 19 pandemic,

Till USA surpassed the other countries and has been unable to control the epidemic!

Social distancing is the new norm,

Since the transmission is through human form!

Masks, gloves and hand sanitizers are selling like hot cakes,

The Indian Namaste has replaced the formal handshake!

Medical experts are working hard to develop a vaccine,

In the absence of a cure and medication, the only option is self quarantine!

Succumbing to the disease in isolation without having your loved ones around,

Is way too tragic and heart wrenching for me to pen it down!

Most of the powerful leaders worldwide are in a dilemma and are pulling their hair,

Announcing a Lockdown across the globe amidst the anxiety in a state of despair!

What is life during coronavirus and how has life changed after the lockdown?

Conversations are revolving around it and have become the talk of the town!

With the lockdown evoking an array of negative emotions,

Feelings of helplessness, frustration and loss of freedom engulfing the mind and creating commotion!

With everyone staying at home and moving out of their comfort zone,

Mankind is displaying different syndromes!

The normal day to day functioning has taken a 360 degree turn,

The schedules are going haywire and have become a matter of concern!

In this adversity, the aftermaths are too many,

With the socio economic disruption there are problems aplenty!

Leaders worldwide are working on socio economic reforms and are toiling all day,

To bring some relief in this situation and to keep the problems at bay!

This is like the third world war without arms and ammunition,

Humanity is united in this battle and is fighting against the Covid 19 infection!

We are in this together, but no two stories are the same,

Even though the goal is common, it is never a fair game!

While some are bonding and spending quality time with their family, some are stranded and are lonely!

While some are confined in large houses and are safe, the situation for slum dwellers is grave!

While the salaried class are working from home and are being paid, the daily wage workers, self employed and business class community are looking for aid!

While some are engaged in upgrading their skills and are pursuing their hobbies, others are disinterested and have become zombies!

While some are dealing with anxiety issues, others are enjoying the solitude and are beating the blues!

While some are trying different recipes with zeal, others are struggling for a meal!

While some have all the time in the world and are bored, others are overburdened with their household chores!

While some are basking in the peace and silence, others are victim of domestic violence!

Being positive is important for a worry free mind and a happy life,

It helps you combat stress and enables you to lead a healthier lifestyle!

The dynamics of the word have changed and how,

Positive has an unhappy and a negative connotation right now!

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2020 is the year of the Rat,

Just like one, we are all hiding in our nests waiting for the curve to get flat,

We go out only for food and run away when someone comes close,

Like a fat rat on seeing a mighty cat!

Online streaming platforms are the current rage,

With Netflix, Amazon and Tiktok entertaining people and taking center stage!

Human needs are being met by different online tools,

Like Zoom for online meetings and classes for students in colleges and schools!

What kind of times are these???

Where one cannot physically attend the last rites of a deceased!

Celebrations for important milestones also are experienced virtually,

Several setbacks have lent an air of melancholy!

Life has come to a standstill,

People are grappling with uncertainty and wondering how they will pay their bills!

Worship places are closed to Mankind,

During this unprecedented time!

The whims and fancies and all the vanity,

Have become insignificant and immaterial to humanity!

Social interaction and human touch is being missed,

Like the handshakes, hugs and the kiss!

A big salute to our doctors, nurses, cops and the social volunteers,

Who are our corona warriors and are breaking all the barriers!

And working around the clock,

Seamlessly overcoming all the road blocks!

They are our true heroes and role models,

They are unstoppable and are going full throttle!

Their selfless contribution towards mankind has turned out to be absolutely colossal!

Fervent clapping by people to celebrate the Corona warriors all over the world,

Created a surreal atmosphere and an historic episode!

The news is full of doom and gloom,

We are eagerly waiting for all the activities to resume!

And this too shall pass as tough times never last!

It’s through these hardships that we learn the most important lessons in life,

No one gets out of life alive…. So live life, thrive and don’t just survive!

However, India has fared better than the other nations,

With the Lockdown 1.0 and 2.0 and self isolation,

Is Lockdown 5.0 in the offing?

I hope not…it is way too exhausting!

What goes around comes around…

In the name of development, humans have let Mother Nature down!

Mother Nature is bouncing back and has sent us a wakeup call

“Pride comes before a fall, after all”

The recent changes in the environment and nature are proof to the fact,

That the coronavirus lockdown did have some positive impact!

Mother Nature is now at its very best,

She is glowing as mankind is at rest!

While humans are locked indoors,

Wild life is out on the deserted roads!

The air is pollution free and clean,

The trees look fresh and green,

The water and sky is clearer and blue,

Rejuvenation of Mother Nature was overdue!

It seems like God has pressed the pause key,

For us to stop and see how supreme is he and how vulnerable are we!

Is the disease here to stay or will it wane?

Only God’s intervention and His miracle can break this chain!

Sailing in different boats, we are all braving the storm,

It’s always darkest before the dawn!

Author: Shilpa Narang
Profession: Recruitment Partner at Ohm Creation. Likes : Writing, Reading, Singing and Dancing, Social media links where I could be followed:,
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