Indian Navy

The Indian Navy, the naval branch of the Indian Armed Forces is one of the most demanding and prestigious organisation. Officers join the Indian Naval Academy (INA) Midshipman.

  1. Upon completion of their course from the Indian Naval Academy, they become Sub Lieutenant.
  2. Through promotions, they can attain the highest rank of the Indian Navy – the Admiral.
  3. The Admiral of the Fleet is a rank that is reserved for wartime use.

The officer ranks of Indian Navy by and large match with those of Western militaries and are replicas of British military ranks.

I) Admiral of the fleet

Admiral of the fleet is an honorary Rank, with ceremonial duties. Till now no officer in Indian Navy has been given this rank.
II) Admiral
Silver four stars and crossed silver baton and scimitar with national emblem in gold with red outline as above
III) Vice Admiral
Silver three stars and crossed silver baton and scimitar with national emblem in gold with red outline as above

IV) Rear Admiral

Silver two stars and crossed silver baton and scimitar with national emblem in gold with red outline as above

V) Commodore

VI) Captain

VII) Commander

VIII) Lieutenant Commander

XI) Lieutenant

X) Sub Lieutenant

Indian Navy Ranks of Sailors

The different Indian Navy Ranks for Soldiers are as under:

Master Chief Petty Officer 1st Class
Master Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class
Chief Petty Officer
Petty Officer
Leading Rate
Seaman 1st Class
Seaman 2nd Class

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