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Covid 19 – Impact on Indian Defence Industry

Covid 19 started off as global health crisis but soon turned into a global economic crisis. Its simultaneity and relentless scale has crippled all sectors as national efforts are directed in saving lives and controlling the spread. The global dynamics are yet to stabilise to predict the future scenario with certainty but what is clear is that the world order will never be the same again nor international security. Billions of dollars are being pumped in by nations in an unprecedented stimulus packages and a long and deep global meltdown lies ahead.


The world has been crippled by an invisible virus- Covid-19. Mighty nuclear powers with an arsenal as symbol of their prowess- US, UK, France, Russia- all have been sobered by this invisible enemy of mankind. The other UN Security Council member- China- is at the source of this virus crisis.[Read More…]


There is a neck and neck contest between two connected but disparate debates that link China and Covid-19. The first one, with China in the red corner and almost the whole of the rest of the world in the blue one, concerns the origin of the Coronavirus. China is using all its autocratic might and harsh domination of its domestic social media on the one hand, and all its diplomatic and not so diplomatic machinations on the other, to convince its own populace and the global community that the Wuhan P-4 laboratory was not where the virus originated. The second debate focuses on whether, once the Covid-19 crisis phase is over, China will come out stronger than before it all started, or will it take a beating geopolitically. With China an established inimical neighbor and an unambiguous economic rival, India stalks this poser with self-centered interest.

Should Hold China Accountable

The coronavirus, originating from the Wuhan province of China, has gradually spread across the world. A total of 185 countries have been affected so far and, according to the latest figures furnished by Johns Hopkins University, 1,21,897 people have died so far while the number of those infected stands at[Read More…]

Helping Leaders in this Time of Crisis

The world is currently experiencing the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, which may well linger long after the pandemic itself is resolved. Devastating death tolls are ripping apart families, and no one has been spared from the economic collapse brought on by this pandemic. Once we emerge from this crisis, the very fabric of our society may be irrevocably altered. As we put our faith in our leaders, we question if there is anything our leaders can actually do to alleviate this emergency; we also recognize that some leaders have responded better than others during this challenging time.

The New Weighing Scales

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” ― Brene Brown Much is being penned and wondered with regard to the economic ramifications of this pandemic. The rapidly-soaring world has been forced to a halt, retract and suffer blows. Finding one’s breath again, picking up oneself, brushing off the[Read More…]


Corona Virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus which the medical authorities are gradually coming to grips with the situation. The virus has affected all the countries in the World and efforts are on to contain the spread by social distancing testing and finally respiratory treatment.

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