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No Half-hearted Steps

For India the worst-case scenario is a two-front war which would have to be managed with external support—militarily and diplomatically to maintain status quo. Our present war fighting doctrines demand large ground holding formations, thereby eating up our meagre resources with little left for modernisation and reorganisation.

Indian Army: 1962-2020 Years Of Preparation

Indians who were born after 1962 have been listening to personal anecdotes of the Chinese invasion in that year from their parents and grandparents. This was the first conventional war fought by the Indian Army—the Pakistani invasion of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 is best described as a tribalised irregular[Read More…]

A Convergence Of Strategies

A Biden Presidency must be able to learn from Obama’s Rebalancing Asia and Trump’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific and understand that the US cannot engage with China alone. His vision of renewing the alliance of like-minded democracies should also accommodate the current multipolar world. Attaining sustained peace and solidarity means[Read More…]

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