Coronavirus: Covid-19

Biological World War III – Its Origin, Implications And Challenges


Are we already in the midst of Biological World War III, alleged started by China to claim top position in the World Order.  COVID-19 as we all know is playing havoc in over 210 countries, with 5,404,512 positive cases and 3,43,739 deaths so far and still counting ( WHO Situation Report 127 dated 26 May 2020).  We are heading for more than 500,000 deaths in coming months. Worst is, most affected are countries which have best of medical facilities, like USA, Italy, France, UK,  Germany, etc.  COVID-19 has come in avatar (incarnation) of a non-traditional warfare agent and is different from any traditionally fought warfare.  Hence the principles, strategy, tactics, resources and methods of countering COVID-19 have to be squarely different.   Whether the virus was natural or it was created intentionally, its attack is to be characterized as offensive biological act.  It is also being speculated that we have to live with it forever. Are we going to be perpetually at war with this virus? What are going to be changes in our life style and in the warfare?

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Author: Brig (Dr) BK Khanna, SM,VSM and Bar
The Author, Brig(Dr) BK Khanna is CEO UNDRR ARISE INDIA and Former Founder Senior Advisor and Senior Specialist, National Disaster Management Authority, Govt of India

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