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When will it end? That is the question everyone is asking about CoVid19. Hard to imagine, it began from one, just one infected person. Patient zero of Wuhan is said to have emerged sometime in Nov-Dec 2019. Today CoVid19 has the world in its grip. Daily death rates are alarming. While European countries claim they are beyond the peak and are opening up their businesses, elsewhere the virus is claiming more lives as we speak. It took just twelve weeks for the virus to bring the world to a halt, to put our lives and our societies on lockdown. More than 276,000 people have already lost their lives


Covid-19 has turned the world upside down. The human loss alone in US has crossed 78,000 and still counting, exceeds that of US loss in Vietnam war. This will have catastrophic demographic impact, telling directly on the workforce and economy. The loss worldwide is huge and unfillable anytime soon. All countries – big and small irrespective of the size and power – are helplessly brooding, willy-nilly, about the post Covid-19 consequences that would affect the society at large.

Mitigating The Economic Effects of CoVID-19

COVID era is unprecedented and has caught governments and people unaware, worldwide. A new form of warfare has just begun. This may well be the form in of future conflicts. Not a single shot fired, no expenses, economy crippled, people have their faces covered and imprisoned. All the wealth accumulated is futile, all savings hold little relevance, people have been separated from people, technology has dominated means of communication.

The coin has flipped…

In most probability, every fact and phenomenon has two sides. When we embraced and bowed before globalization, we were ecstatic that jobs, travels, money, materials, and technology could move freely and globally. By the 90s, the entire world almost had become an equivocal slave of the phenomenon and one must admit that the idea of making billions by selling services and products worldwide was the most alluring feature of the process. And we, the consumers, were overjoyed that the comforts and products from all over the world could be at our doorstep while our families too could relocate to the greenest of the pastures.

Nation Needs To Use Its Greatest Asset -The Veterans

India is proud of its veterans who have always stood with the Nation like a rock. These are the soldiers who gave the prime of their life to the cause of the motherland, defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. They are the pride of the Nation. The services of these veterans must be utilized in the present national crisis of fighting the corona pandemic.

COVID-19 and the New World Order in Making?

The outbreak of the pandemic-COVID-19 has given an opportunity for many to predict the advent of a new world/global order. The people expressing their views come from all the ends of political and intellectual spectrums. As a result, a wide spectrum of opinion is reflected in the global media, especially its version.

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